Why is Microsoft Azure right for your school?

Moving to the cloud is not an all or nothing approach – it’s about using flexible options that work for you. We can
help you compare specific on premise versus cloud options and costs. We can also help you deploy a proof of
concept environment, so you can test your applications in a Microsoft Azure environment before making a larger

Pay for what you need

Pay for what you need

Help your school become more
agile and productive by having
management of your identity and

Reduced Cost

Reduced costs

Reduce costs of IT hardware and
server space with no need for
on-site resource or extra space.

Reduced Management

Reduced management

Use existing development tools
without having to manage your
own infrastructure. It gives you a
better view of your consumption,
with advanced data monitoring and

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind

Store, back up and recover any
type of data. You own, run and
manage the applications as though
they were sitting on a server in
your school without having the cost
of doing so.


It’s time your IT graduated to the Microsoft Cloud!

Time and funds are precious.  So are delighted users.  In the cloud, IT teams can truly have it all – and do so on their terms.  Build the apps and workloads you want and give educators, researchers, and students the performance and freedom they need to speed up collaboration and data-intensive processing with Microsoft’s cloud platform, powered by Microsoft Azure.  Adaptix Solutions Group can help you take the next step towards revolutionizing how you deliver IT.

Sign up for your free Azure session today!